Go programming language - A quick guide

A Quick Developers Guide to Go Programming Language

Welcome all the coders and IT enthusiasts! The demand for software development is astonishing. With this comes the emergence of different programming languages. You might be familiar with C, C++, Python, Ruby, Rail, and more languages. But have you heard the newest buzz about the Go programming language?   

If yes, that’s amazing! Get ready. In this guide, you’ll learn what the Go language is exactly, and you can pump up your knowledge on it.   

So, without any further ado! Let’s get started!   

What is Go Language? Also, Knowing About its History  

Go, also called Golang, is an open-source programming language developed by Google in 2007. The standout people behind the development of this versatile and flexible language are Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, and Robert Griesmer.    

The main motto for designing the language was to overcome the issues arising from using programming languages such as Java and C++. Go Language has covered you with all the top-notch features for developing web applications, networking, and cloud services. The Go language is popular because it runs without a virtual machine, has low run-time overhead, and has a superfast startup time. 

It’s currently being used by all the big companies in the industry, including Google, Uber, Cloudflare, MongoDB, and Netflix.   

Check out the first Hello World program written in the Go programming language.   

Write Your First Simple Hello World Program in Go 
package main  

  import “fmt”  

  func main() { 
 fmt.Println(“Hello, World!”) 

Hello, World!  

Go programming language - A quick guide

What are the Main Features of the Go Programming Language?    

Go is a simple, fast, and reliable language. Here are some of its key features:   


Performing multiple tasks at the same time benefits everyone! Go supports concurrency, where developers can write code that can run multiple tasks simultaneously. This feature is mainly for distributed systems and web servers.   


Golang enables simple, clean syntax that’s easy to read. This allows developers to focus on the main logic rather than delve into the complexity of understanding the language structure.   

Statically Typed  

This means the go language ensures minimizing or, say, preventing run-time errors and boosting the code reliability.   

Garbage Collection   

Developers no longer need to worry about resource allocation and deallocation. It supports automatic memory management, freeing you from the resource management part.   

Cross-Platform Support   

Golang is easily compatible with platforms like Linux, Windows, and MacOS.   

Tools Built-In   

There is no need to install the important tools yourself. Golang comes with a set of rich tools that help you build, test, and run programs with ease.   

Limitations of Go Language   

With the positive comes the opposing side. Go comes with some limitations, as listed below:   

  • Relatively fewer libraries compared to other programming languages.   
  • It isn’t traditionally object-oriented.   
  • Error handling mechanism is not highly robust. 

What are the Main Golang Applications?   

Go has a range of applications besides just being built for programs tailored to the networking field. Today, it has evolved and has developed a great many applications.  

Let’s see them below: 

  • Many of the command-line tools are written in Go.   
  • Go has applications in AI and data science.   
  • Ideal for writing microservices.   
  • Dropbox has migrated some of its critical components from Python to Go.   
  • Go is an ideal choice for DevOps tools as it’s easy to deploy and extremely lightweight. Terraform, Ansible, and Prometheus are some of the tools written in Go.   
  • Apart from this, one noteworthy thing is that Go excels in the infrastructure part. Are top infrastructures such as Docker and Kubernetes built into Go?   

Can I Learn to Go Language?   

Of course, it’s a great programming language helping you to enhance your skills. Go is your go-to language, even if you’re a savvy developer, a beginner, or want to start your journey into the development field for the first time. There are also a lot of Golang tutorials that will help you.   

Also, there’s a demo available, which you can check out and try.   

Frequently Asked Questions   

1] How can I install Go on my system?   

You need to download the correct installer compatible with your operating system. To do so, visit the website. Here, make sure to follow all the instructions given. After you’ve installed it, you can cross-check to see if the installation is done by opening a terminal and running the “go version.”    

 2] Is the language easy for beginners to learn?   

Yes! The Go programming language is easy to learn, especially for programmers with experience in C++ or Java. The syntax is clean with a helpful standard library.   

3] How long will learning and being a Golang developer take?   

If you want to become a Golang developer, it will usually take around 6 to 9 months.  


Here we come to the end of the blog! I hope you’re clear about the basic knowledge of Golang. In a nutshell, this Go programming language development offers world-class features, tools, and more for the development of applications, microservices, and more. If you plan to learn the Go language, there is still a long way to go in leading you toward a bright career. Stay tuned with our blogs for more insightful topics. 

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